Thursday, June 28, 2012

Its All About You

Some say too much fruit is not good when it comes to Booster Juice.  But it is still recommended over any fast food place.  Their are many ways to customize your Booster Juice beverage to make it healthier for you.  

The juices are started with a base fruit and protein are then added.  You have the opinion between yogurt or sorbet and if you'd like also a booster such as rosehip, echinacea, matcha, goldenseal and many other great tasting boosters.  

Booster Juice Employees

The Booster Juice uniform is a sports style looking shirt with the phrase " fruit full life" located on the back of the shirt.  Many co workers are very friendly and helpful when it comes to selecting drinks on the menu.   These drink booster come with many benefits suitable for anybody's day.

  • Energy
  • Memory Boosting
  • Higher Metabolism
  • Calcium 
  • Protein

and MANY MANY MANY MORE good out comes.

As an employee at booster juice it is important to know the menu and get familiar with recipes.  As it would be within any food or drink company.  

Booster Juice means a lot to its loyal and new customers 

Change? ..... No Problem !

Booster Juice keeps up with many demands on the market.  Experimenting changes is no problem for the founders Dale and Jon.  They want to keep smiles on their customers faces, and more importantly keep them coming back for more.  Booster Juice drinks are not only thirst quenchers, they are healthy blends of fruits and vegetables.  For some they are used as power breakfasts without eating snacks or meal replacements.  Great taste is what everybody wants when it comes to drinks.


As you can see Booster Juice is very colourful.  That was a strategy Amack and Wishewan created to catch the eyes of the customers.  They wanted to make their stores feel vibrant and juicy.  

This helped promote their very fast expansion of other locations.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Booster Juice is an Award winning company, with their goal of making sure every customer leaves with a smile.  

  • 2006 Broke Guiness worlds record for largest smoothie
  • Highest percentage in sales
  • Jon and Dale awarded Youngest Entrepreneurs of 2005
  • Named entrepreneur of the year
  • One of Capitals Top twelve business 
  • Top fresh juice and smoothie bar chain in every major Canadian City
  • Triple gold winner-Double gold, double silver, bronze medals 2001-2005

Booster Juice Pride

Founders of Booster Juice believe its only right to give back profits to owners and at the same time make every one succeed within the business.  

"We've always believed that providing customers with healthy fresh alternative to fast food would draw the masses but we have no idea it would attract so many franchise inquiries from across Canada!  Our passion for the business and our absolute pleasure of bringing a great opportunity to people from diversified backgrounds is what drives us in making this on of Canada's fastest growing franchised business."  - Jon Wishewan

Competitors Can't Beat Over 3 Dozen

Booster juice has been so successful.  They've been  having competitors come up from all over.  Jugo Juice, Juice Zone, Julious Originals and Fruit Smoothies, and many more.  

Booster Juice has over three dozen varieties of drinks, or customers can customize their drinks to suit their needs.  The boost comes from the nutritional supplements that give it that extra boost.

One Idea

Did you know the idea for Booster Juice came from a camping trip between a few college friends Jon and Dale.  By the simple question  "Are there any juice bars in Canada?"  Dale started blending juices in his basement and garage experimenting with fruit.  Friends and neighbors were the first to test out the new founded creation.  It toke 5 months with 18 hours a day of research.

Worlds Largest Smoothie

Booster Juice has gained a lot of attention for making the worlds largest smoothie at a shopping center located in Kitchen, Ontario.  It toke 7 blenders and 3.5 hours of preparation.  Booster Juice passed the whopping previous record set by City Fire fighters at 333 litres of smoothie.  By selling 24oz of this delicious yet healthy mix, $1000.00 was raised in this all time amazing event for the Canadian Cancer society.

Established in 1999, Booster Juice is a fast growing company founded by Dale Wishewan and Jon Amack.  With over 170 stores in North America,  Dale and his partner Jon Amack whom he met at school in Oregon.  Came together and concentrated on quality of taste for there product,  bringing success to there business.

After there product had been successful in the states as a Canadian Dale wanted to bring his product to Canada.  Both engineers studied and tested many recipes that would fit in to a Canadian lifestyle, also taking in to account the climate.